Until September Brazil imported 60% from 2019 total  - FASTENER EUROPE MAGAZINE
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Until September Brazil imported 60% from 2019 total 

Sergio Milatias 
Editor in Chief of Revista do Parafusos

Finished the first nine months in 2020, the Brazilians companies accounted 74,853.96 tons of fasteners imports (US$ 361,37 million), with 60.4% of the 123,923.4 tons (US$ 621,65 million) bought during 2019. Just in September last this kind of imports were achieved 7,976.48 tons (US$ 38,98 million).

For the bigger fastener suppliers - as China with his share  25% on Brazilian market - obviously, is going to be hard finish well this year, that was without a deep fall on imports, also caused by the real (the Brazilian currency) depreciation. However, the result will be more reasonable than could be expected, with fall around 25% than last year.
Source: www.mdic.gov.br